Bannock with Chef Shelly — herbal tea RSS

How to make Bannock like Kokum did!

Bannock Instructions  Bake @ 350F - 35-40 Mins Yield - 12 - 16 pieces depending on size you choose  You will need:              1 Large Bag of Bannock Dry Mix. ¼ Cup Oil of choice - Canola, Sunflower, Coconut, Safflower, Melted Butter. ½ Cup Milk - Any milk or Non dairy milk would work including canned milk or even milk powder. If you wish to not use milk at all, simply adjust your water measurements to include this amount. 2 Cups Warm Water - Not boiling, Warm water. Flour for dusting the surface you are working on. Method: Pour the contents of dry mix in a large mixing bowl, mix thoroughly. Once mixed, make a...

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